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Shipping Insurance / Signature / Heavy Duty Rod Box

Shipping Insurance / Signature / Heavy Duty Rod Box

Regular price $1.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.50 USD
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We suggest NOT using USPS for high value order or rods. USPS rarely pays a claim even if insured for the full value. If you choose USPS for rods or a high value order and something happens you will need to file a claim with them as they want to see the item(s) and packing in person at the destination received.

Additional Insurance:

Insurance is provided up to the first $100 of all orders. You do not need to add insurance if the items your order is not over $100 in value. Insurance also covers lost packages if they are not marked as delivered. If extra insurance (past the $100 provided) is not purchased a package claim WILL ONLY cover the first $100 of the shipment.

To cover the entire amount purchase the correct amount of insurance for your total.

A signature is automatically added with $500 or more when shipped with FedEx.

Heavy duty rod box:

This box will hold more than 3 rods and we can put nets/slings/ect... as long as they won't damage the rods during shipping.

275 lb Double Wall Telescopic shipping box.
275 lb test boxes withstand 275 lbs/ of side wall pressure before bursting.

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